There will be a $5 processing fee on all cancellations made by the student.
I understand that the North Branch Area Public Schools (“School District”) offers community education programming, activities, or classes. I have an interest in registering for and attending one or more community education programs, classes, or activities offered by the School District.
I understand that registering for and/or attending the School District’s community education programming is completely voluntary.
In consideration for the School District allowing me to attend and/or participate in the community education programs, classes, or activities, and knowing the inherent risks and dangers involved, I hereby agree to waive, release, and forever discharge all legal claims,
actions, and demands against the School District and its board members, employees, and agents related to my attendance and/or participation in any community education programs, classes or activities. I hereby release the School District from all liability for any loss, damage,
injury, and/or expense that I may suffer as a result of attending and/or participating in the School District’s community education programs, classes, or activities.
I have read and understand the terms of this waiver and voluntary assumption of risk and agree to its terms.
Photographs or videos of classes in action may be taken and used for district publications and/or local news media.