Class Registration v3.0 - North Branch
Dungeons and Dragons Grades 6-12
#: 4018   ID:    Section: Tues 9am  
Tired of playing the same old predictable video games? Do you want to go on a high adventure where you fight dragons and goblins? Do you want to sneak into thieves guild and steal treasures? Have you ever wanted to become a wizard, but sit through classes at Hogwarts? Well then sign up for the Dungeons and Dragons Summer Club and be prepared to be whisked away into a world of fun and creativity. During the weekly meeting you will create a character and learn how to play D&D and set off on a epic campaign created from the mind of Mr. Reistad himself. You can join and meet new friends or sign up with your friends as an adventuring party. Space is limited so register early! Psst! Hey parents. Tired of your student sitting around all summer in front of the TV? Dungeons and Dragons is a great way to promote positive social interaction over the summer as well as creative writing and reading, supporting imaginative and creative development. No D&D July 2 and 4.
Varied Schedule
9:00 AM
Josh Reistad
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/25/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A
7/9/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A
7/16/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A
7/23/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A
7/30/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A
8/6/2024   9:00AM - 11:00AM Education Center - B130A