Class Registration v3.0 - North Branch
Home Alone Grades 3-6
#: 57   ID:    Section: June  
Just mention the words "Home Alone," and children think of the excitement depicted in the movies of the same name. The reality is being home alone can evoke fear and anxiety in many children. Whether left alone for an hour after school or several hours a day during the summer, children should feel comfortable being alone. This workshop for children will address several topics relating to being "Home Alone" including personal safety tips, tricky people, basic first aid, fire safety, handling the unexpected, internet safety, gun safety, dealing with loneliness and boredom, storm safety, dealing with siblings as well as trust and honesty. Students attend this class independently. Parents are encouraged to review the take-home information and discuss it with their child.

If you are registering for Child and Babysitting Safety and Home Alone classes you may bring a bag lunch and drink to eat with the instructor during the break between the two classes.
12:30 PM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/18/2024   12:30PM - 2:30PM Education Center - B130A