Class Registration v3.0 - North Branch
GRASP Summer Reading Program Grades K-8 (ended)
#: 425   ID:    Section: Reading  
GRASP is a 9 week correspondence program in grades K-8 which helps students maintain math skills while they are on summer vacation. It should take you and your child approximately one hour per week to complete each weekly lesson. We suggest parents order the level just completed. If there are extenuating circumstances, order the level that is appropriate for your child. Lessons are completed, mailed to a scoring center where they are analyzed and then returned to you. Instruction sheets found in each packet provide all the necessary information. Enroll your child in math or reading for $35 each or both math and reading for $58. Deadline to register April 26.
2:30 PM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
4/26/2024   2:30PM - 3:00PM Education Center - TBD